Income Assistance

Phone:  (204) 843-2603 Ext. 120
Fax:  (204) 843-2337
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
1:00 pm  – 3:20 pm

Saturday – Sunday Closed

The Social Services Program is proving itself to becoming a success in providing the proper information and keep it accurate. This is a very significant change which affects all the community members of the reserve. The changes made from and to the Departments of Indian Affairs, will keep the reporting and funding accurate.


Special Needs

Social Services Check List

Medical Release and Assessment for Therapeutic Diet Benefits

Medical Release and Assessment for Disibility Benefis

Policies & Procedures

As per INAC policy, we are required to verify an eligibility criterion as per application is reviewed. This means that it allows the Social Services Staff sufficient time to complete all verifications before there is a cheque issued to a client who has applied or made changes to their status. There are a number of reasons for doing so. The following list reflects on some of the factors of the verification policy:


Where the client is residing on reserve, if the client is currently living withThe spouse, common-law or married.

Home Assessments: This aspect is an essential factor on why the Social Services Staff requires tenancy profiles to determine who is residing in the home.


whether the client was employed during or prior to application. Whether the client’s commonth-law or married spouse is employed during the prior and/or current month.

A registration of birth certificate(pink slip) must be provided for newborn at time of application

All forms must be signed prior to releasing cheques or purchase orders.

Medical referrals or disability forms are required at time of application. Forms that are not submitted at time of application are not eligible until the following month.

Home care requires a two-week notice for medical referrals. Forms submitted to Social Services after the 1st of the month will not be eligible until the following month.

Until the information is verified, applicants are not eligible for income assistance.

Employed applicants (spouse)

In order to assess employed and/or spouse applicants they are required to submit pay stubs.

Who are caring for children not classified as their own are eligible for GSA(Guardian Social Allowance) also known as COPH(Care Out of Parental Home)

Band members who are employed are eligible for a portion of their monthly hydro bill to be paid, providing a signed tenancy profile from head of household.

Additional Information

Assessments are done as needed

Cheques must be picked up within 7 business days, after such time, cheques not picked up will be cancelled.

Cheques will be released only to the client whose name is on the cheque.

Cardholders must sign by the 15th of each month.

CMHC tenancy agreements must be filled in and signed at the Housing Department.

Special Needs: Based on Annual Budget

To qualify for special needs alloawnce, applicants must be eligible for basic needs assistance.

Special needs are available to recipients and their dependents including COPH.

Recipients in room and board situations are not the primary occumant of a dwelling and are not eligible for household items from special needs.

Approval for reimbursements is required prior to purchasing special needs items, otherwise you will not be reimbursed.

Eligible item(s): Washing machine, fridge, range. Essential household furnishing including beds, kitchen table and chairs.

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