Council of Elders

First Nations who are at least 60 years of age and is a member of Sandy Bay First Nation First Nations who are fluent in their language; Ojibway / Saulteaux (soh-toh) First Nations who believe in the importance of language, culture, education, within the community of Sandy Bay First Nation.

The powers of the Elder Council are: To provide advice and guidance to the Chief and Council with regard to: Enhancing and protecting Sandy Bay First Nation programs, traditions, customs, laws and language Programs and services to meet the needs children, youth and community members of Sandy Bay First Nation To ensure a balanced decision through the criteria on Band concerns, through traditions and customs. Constitution, Values, Vision and Terms of Reference/Governance.

Council Constitution The Council of Elders will consist of a number of individuals who are known as Elders. Elders are individuals from Sandy Bay First Nation who possess traditional knowledge and customs of Sandy Bay based on education, observation, and experience.

Elders Values The Elder will possess personal ethics, spiritual values, healthy lifestyles, a sense of community and shared responsibility for the protection of Mother Earth, the culture, traditions and language.

Elders Vision The universal understanding of and respect of the community members of Sandy Bay First Nation, Mother Earth, life-forms, customs, ceremonies, languages and traditions.

Membership of Elders Council Shall consist of 6 members with a balance of 3 men and 3 women.
Selection and Appointment of Elders An Elder shall be appointed by fellow peers. Contribution of the Elders Council.

To be available when requested to provide guidance, counsel, review and/or provide recommendations from an Elders perspective with regard to: Community needs and Chief & Council decisions. To contribute to community growth. To raise awareness and promote respect and positive attitudes toward one another. To preserve culture and language.
Vice Chair
Vice Treasurer

Sandy Bay Radio 106.3 FM

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